Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another reason I shouldn't have internet at work!!

Hey.....yeah....it didn't take me long to jump on the bandwagon and make myself a blog. Talk about high-tech redneck!!! Yee haw. Seriously, I've always like documenting things and with technology like it is now, there's no excuse not too. I must confess that I have a serious addiction with photo-taking and editing, so expect to see a myriad of cute and wild pictures I take on a weekly basis.

So....here's the background story....see that cute fella up there and the lady with the long hair?? Yeah, that's me and my wonderful husband, Jared. Don't we look soooo in love?? We were wedded in marital bliss this past October and I officially became part of the Pieroni clan. Down here in Lake Village there are alot of Italians and I just couldn't resist :) I couldn't have asked for a more loving, caring and hard working man to be married to. He's a sweetie.

Enough of that mushy stuff. The two cutie pies with me in the photo are my neices. No need for names, I have an obsession with putting captions and text on all of my photos. Sweet-looking aren't they? Don't let them fool you, they are sneaky. But, at least I'm the "cool" aunt who still plays Barbies with them and watches cartoons.

Hey, this blogging thing isn't so hard after all. Great, another obsession I will likely overindulge in rather than actual human contact. Oh well....stay tuned....I'm sure there will be lots more entries!!!!

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